Not just that, the technical terms too add to the confusion. Deep learning, neural networks etc. seem to hint at something so human or brain-like, it primes you for anthropomorphising.

I have a friend who keeps talking about how the human brain is just neurons in the state of 0 or 1, and therefore how it's just a matter of time before AI starts learning and encoding "everything" in its 0 and 1 brain.

I don't know if this is how it actually is, but this simplistic 0 and 1 thinking seems off to me. Alas, my friend and I are just two dunderheads arguing about things we know little about. And the eerily neurosciencey terminology does not help at all.

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Please check out https://betterimagesofai.org one the role of stock images of AI adding to this problem !

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Is there a marketing/commercial aspect to the anthropomorphizing? Car commercials come to mind.

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I'm working on https://syntheticusers.com/ and I believe this is exactly one of the use cases in which anthropomorphizing is a benefit, not an hindrance

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Hard to say, given we understand so little about consciousness and the brain.

But, I'd hazard a guess that if it's possible, it's quite a ways off.

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